Vol. 3 (2019): Drawing On: Architecture Design Research
Drawing On: Architecture Design Research launched on 3rd October, 2019. It presents work from selected contributions to the first Annual Design Research Conference, held in Sydney in September 2018, organised by Mathew Aichison, Sarah Breen Lovett and Rachel Couper. This partial, representative survey of the array of Australasian architectural research by design practices presented at that conference offered authors an opportunity to further inquiries first presented at that event. These inquiries question established categorisations of design research, framing issues which inevitably converge around representation, and articulated through a range of media. The issue puts forward the idea that working by or through design already entails knowledge of and research into and for design.
The full issue is available to view here Drawing On: Architecture Design Research.
Dorian Wiszniewski, Konstantinos Avramidis, Sophia Banou, Chris French, Piotr Lesniak, Maria Mitsoula