New Geographies of Violence


  • Jorge Valiente Oriol Author
  • Amaia Sanchez-Velasco Author
  • Gonzalo Valiente Author



The work presented here narrates the creative and design research methodologies of Grandeza (in collaboration with Miguel Rodriguez-Casellas, alias Bajeza), an architectural collective that operates between the fields of spatial practice, design, cultural production and pedagogical exploration. These methodologies are described by analysing the material, discursive and representational qualities of two of their latest artworks: The Plant (2017) and Valparaiso Post-Liberal (2017). Both installations are discussed here as one-to-one scale architecture models that stage, perform, debate and challenge new geographies of violence.

Grandeza’s research and creative practice detects, denounces and challenges the transformative violence that late-capitalist practices apply over subjects, spaces and ecologies. As a collective, they started collaborating in Madrid in 2011, where they graduated together as Masters in Architecture at the Polytechnic School of Architecture (ETSAM). Since then, they have developed a cross-disciplinary practice based on collaborations with architects, collectives, artists and institutions in Madrid, Berlin and Sydney. Their work has been exhibited and published in Germany (Bauhaus Dessau in 2014); USA (1st Chicago Architecture Biennial in 2015); Australia (Mildura Arts Centre in 2016, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery in 2017, and in 2018 at the Bank Art Museum Moree, Tin Sheds Gallery, and Australian Design Centre); Chile (XX Chilean Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in 2017); Spain (Madrid and Santander, at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in 2018); and Italy (XXII Milano Triennale, in 2019). Since mid-2017, the Grandeza members have been collaborating with Miguel Rodriguez-Casellas (alias Bajeza) thus forming the architectural ménage à quatre Grandeza/Bajeza. They share a commitment to linking pedagogy, research, critical thinking, and creative practice as complementary tools for political emancipation. Their most recent project, Teatro Della Terra Alienata, was the Australian pavilion at the XXII Triennale di Milano, which received the Golden Bee Award for the best national pavilion.

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