Re-appropriating Representation


  • Dorian Wiszniewski University of Edinburgh Author
  • Christopher Pierce Author



This article revisits, re-appropriates and re-presents ideas first devised during co-teaching in 1996 and 1997, published in the proceedings of a symposium on L’Enseignant, L’Etudiant et le Projet Architectural, Laboratoire de Recherché en Architecture, ENSAIS, 1998, developed again and presented at the VI Conference on European Culture, Pamplona, October, 2000, and explored in even greater detail at the European Forum of Philosophy – Provocations Lecture Series, London School of Economics, 2008. At a moment of change in both architectural practice and education, when the positivism of AI and the rise of BIM as a tool for design development appear set to become dominant in schools of architecture, the re-presentation of this article intends to capture and make apparent a cycling of architectural thought and concerns. At the beginnings of this nascent third ‘digital turn’ our attention is drawn, once again, to the ‘dynamism of.... process[es] of enquiry’ fundamental to architectural education, to the ‘dynamics of recurrence’ in design practice, and to the capacity of re- appropriation for ‘making new realities’. These processes are recommended to cut through all techniques of representation, analogue and digital.

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